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Most popular questions

Paint Protection Film:

– Can I apply sealer to my paint protection film?
Yes, but manually and gently to avoid scratches.

– Can I polish my paint protection?
No. It would damage the surface.

Unpainted Mouldings

– How do I remove sealant from unpainted moulding?
Rub with a Staedtler eraser (Yes! Yes! Clic here for the video)

– Why does the Unpainted mouldings restorer run when it rains?
Always follow the product’s application instructions. For instance, if the moulding was still wet when the restorer was applied, the product had difficulty penetrating the moulding, which could explain why it runs when it rains. Allow 30 hours of drying time to your moulding before applying the product to optimize absorption. It is also necessary to keep the mouldings dry for 24 hours after application and to favour application in the sun as well.

– Can I polish my unpainted mouldings?
No. It would damage the plastic.

I forgot to wipe part of my Nano 1 during application. How do I remove it?

Using our finishing compound, locally polish the area in question. If this is not enough, you can use our Cutting compound and continue with the finishing compound, then reapply Nano 1 locally.

What protection products should I use on a car that is a few years old with black paint?

On a black vehicle, we primarily seek protection that will also help with swirl marks (much more visible on darker cars). We choose a paint sealer as it contains microabrasives that will reduce swirl marks and thus restore shine, brilliance, and depth to black paint.

How do I remove the rustproofing that drips down the bottom of my doors and the bottom of my trunk?

Two products can be used to get rid of anti-rust drips on your bodywork: the Glue & tar remover and the Rim and tire cleaner.

  1. Spray the product of your choice on the drips
  2. Scrub with a microfibre cloth
  3. Rinse with plenty of water
  4. Wipe clean.

N.B. : Do not perform in direct sunlight. Apply on a cool vehicle. Reapply protection on the locally treated area (in the case of wax or sealer).

What can I do to remove urine and cigarette odours from my vehicle?

For odours that are a little more localized such as urine, milk, smoothies, or coffee, you can use our Ultra strength odor eliminator. It will eliminate the most stubborn odours by directly attacking the foul-smelling molecules:

For widespread odours, one of our Shock treatment* against odours will be perfect. It will neutralize unpleasant odours and can treat hard-to-reach areas as it runs through the vehicle’s air recirculation system:

*We recommend changing your vehicle’s cabin air filter before using your Shock treatment against odors.

How to store my chamois and my applicator pads?

For the chamois: directly in its original container. Be sure to put it back in its container when it is wet. Should it dry out over time, allow it to soak in water and it will regain its flexibility.

For the applicator pads: Simply clean them thoroughly in a sink or straight in your washing machine. Afterwards, you can let them air dry. There is no need to maintain them in any specific way.

How do I clean my winter mats?

The procedure for cleaning your winter mats (WeatherTech type) is simple:

  1. Spray mats with our Rim & tire cleaner;
  2. Brush
  3. Rinse
  4. Once your mats are dry, you can use our Lotus effect to protect them. Your mats will remain anti-slip and will be easier to maintain.

Why does dust tend to stick to my car after I apply products like the Quick detailer, Lotus effect or the Fast wax?

The rubbing action of the microfibre on the bodywork produces a microstatic build-up on the surface which attracts dust.

How do I remove road paint from my car?

The first thing to remember is to promptly remove any road paint from your vehicle. The addition of a catalyst causes it to harden more quickly and become difficult to remove. It should therefore be removed as soon as possible and as follows:

  1. Spray some Glue & Tar remover on excess road paint. Scrub with a microfibre.
  2. In case step 1 fails, because the paint has been there too long, using plastic scraper, scrape as much of the road paint as possible and repeat step 1. Use extreme caution as this step may cause the blade to scratch your vehicle. You must be patient and meticulous.